My family came into town to celebrate a wedding. Dinner and drinks had us all filled with smiles and great conversation. Then my favorite topic came up, supplements. I was advising the nutritional benefits of creatine. “Have a little each day, it taste fine and can benefit anyone, athletes especially…” My Aunts response is one I will never forget, “Zach, creatine is a supplement, its not regulated.” Implying that nobody should take creatine… I was quite. In love, I decided to keep my mouth shut. For the sack of our family getting along, I did not say what I really felt.
“That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.”
So lets get our facts straight….
What Is Creatine?
“Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid produced in the liver that helps supply energy to cells all over the body – particularly muscle cells. It is made out of three amino acids: L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine.” Thank you internet…

Creatine Is A White Powder
Your liver takes those three amino acids and creates creatine. Creatine is also naturally found in animal foods. Beef for example (No wonder why I love steak). Which means, you currently use creatine everyday whether you like it or not. Creatine is necessary for the production of creatine phosphate. Creatine phosphate is a compound stored in the muscles and is responsible for rapid resynthesis of ATP. Which means that creatine phophate is the energy compound stored in muscle cells that helps provide quick energy and explosive movement in high-intensity work outs. You may not know it, but you are very aware of creatine.
“ATP is a molecule that stores all the energy that comes from foods. It is present in every cell.” I will post about ATP later. When you think of ATP, think of quick energy. You need quick, pre-stored energy to achieve “explosive movements.” Can you think of any quick movements as an elite athlete? Of course!
Why Is It Popular?
There has been many studies showing the benefits of creatine. In the 1990s research results proved that the consumption of creatine helps increase strength and muscle gains among athletes. One such study, conducted by Vandenberghe and colleagues for a 10 week strength training program. Subjects where given creatine or a placebo. The subjects that were given creatine saw a max strength increase of 20 to 25 percent greater than the placebo. Creatine muscle mass increased by 60 percent compared to the placebo athletes. Whoa!
In another study by Krieder and colleagues, college football players where tested during a 28 day period. During that period of conditioning the players where supplementing creatine and glucose. They saw increased gains in body weight, muscle mass and strength compared to the players taking a placebo. All of my readers are looking for the same thing, “how can I get bigger, stronger and faster?” Creatine consumption will help accomplish these goals. The research has already proven this out.
So What The Heck, Why Does Creatine Supplementation Keep Working?
There is currently 3 theories why creatine supplementation is increasing muscle mass and strength:
- The increase in creatine phosphate directly stimulates the protein synthesis (the process of creating new muscle).
- The increase in muscle creatine draws water into the muscle fiber, which swells the muscle. This swelling then stimulate protein synthesis
- High levels of creatine in the muscles slow the use of ATP during exercise and speeds recovery of creatine phosphate. Which allows for a harder workout and thus you get greater protein synthesis.
These theories are still being proved out and will require more testing. One thing is for sure, you supplement creatine in your diet, you will get great results.
How To Use Creatine?
There is a few different approaches to taking creatine. I will share a couple. You are welcome to research others. I want you to benefit quickly, so here is what others recommend:
Loading Phase: For 5 to 7 days you need to take a total of 20 grams of creatine. 4 doses of 5 grams. This “loading phase” will increase the skeletal muscles creatine and creatine phosphate levels. Also if you add an insulin spike with your creatine supplementation, you can increase the creatines positive affects. So add some juice or dextrose supplements as well. Some athletes still do not take a carbohydrate with their creatine and have still seen added benefits.
Maintenance Phase: after your loading phase, take 5 grams of creatine each day to maintain the increased skeletal muscle creatine and creatine phosphate levels. The best time to take your maintenance dose will be right before or after your workout.
Here is what I recommend for consumption: Take 5 grams a day for 30 days, and track your progress. Put those 5 grams of creatine into your post workout shake. You wont taste it. It will mix well. After 30 days you will feel a major benefit of creatine. This may take longer to see the results, but it easier to add it to the habit of your routine in smaller dosage. Some loading phases can cause upset stomachs and discourage future use. I want you to transition smoothly into a creatine user. So in this case, a slow progression, is a good thing.
What Kind of Creatine Should You Take?
I recommend creatine monohydrate. It is creatine without the fluff. I will teach you what else you need. Don’t buy into creatine plus “whatever.” Creatine monohydrate is in a powder form. You can add it to water or juice. They have a scooper that is 5 grams. Which is perfect for your per day usage.
Here is an awesome example of Creatine Monohydrate:
Click Here To Order Some Today
The bigger size you order, the less you pay per gram. You welcome to use this online store or go to the local health store right now. But keep in mind. The longer you wait to order creatine, the longer you have to wait for its benefit. Dont make excuses, buy creatine today.
Are You Crazy?
With all the studies that have shown the benefit of creatine, the question I have to ask you…Why are you not taking some today? It is crazy NOT to! Yes there will be multiple criticizing words spread across the dinner table. Be nice, and respond with grace. Especially if someone bashes creatine with red meat in their mouth. You can laugh and ask them how that creatine taste. Mmmmm I want some steak right now…Enjoy your benefits and let me know if you have any questions.
Have a great day and remember, nothing worth doing is easy.
Get to work,
Zach Calhoon
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