Welcome back to the mission,
Yesterday I introduced the rubber arm series 6 week arm health and strength building program.
Thank you for your readership. And thank you for your hard work.
You and I are on a mission to stop shoulder problems, increase performance and avoid surgery forever. Its a big a glorious task. I am happy you are with me.
So yesterday I was so dang excited I was firing off emails to all my subscribers. I talked about “gangstas” and rocket launchers.
Now lets get more serious and talk about your shoulder mobility and how you can increase your health today.
People talk about shoulder mobility but why does it really matter? And what should you do today (and everyday) to make it a important part of your pitching career.
Well check out this picture…
That is Brian Wilson, or as I call him “B Wils” pitching for the LA dodgers.
Look at his arm fully cocked backwards. This type of external mobility takes years to develop.
I am sure you are aware of this. It takes any throwing warming up there arm for a good number of throws to gain this type of loose warm and flexible joint.
Here is the thing, over time, the more you externally train your rotator cuff, the more internal mobility you lose. As in overtime, your arm and shoulder change.
You ever notice how many pitchers and throwers have bad posture and shoulders that roll forward? Their “normal” resting posture is slumped forward. Which limits thier mobility and health. Which has a direct correlation to pitching velocity.
Let me show you an example. A test a you do right now to help prove my point.
Test This
Extend your hand by your side and hip. Now with a straight arm, point your thumb down. Try and lift you arm until you feel it resist.
Similar to my man Commodus from the movie gladiator in the picture below. (He looks mad)
Do you feel the limited mobility when you try to lift your arm over your head?
That is because your shoulder joint is less mobile when rotated forward.
Yet most of us live with bad shoulder position every day!
Ok now check this out.
Now do the same test with your thumb pointed entirely behind you. Lift you arm and feel how high you can lift your hand.
Similar to the image below.
Except I want you to lift your hand as high as possible. And I want your thumb pointed all the way back. Put down the beer.
Notice how mobile and “free” your arm feels when your thumbs is rotated backwards.
This is a small change that has a huge effect on your shoulder mobility.
What is my point?
You can cultivate this type of mobility and range of motion by daily stretching (an exact flexibility routine), increasing your scapular strength, and increasing your posterior cuff strength.
You will notice in the Rubber Arm Series 6 week course, the majority of the strengthening moves are “thumbs up.”
You need to maintain your thumb up the most as possible.
This small change can extend your career.
I want the best for you. Tell your friends to take this same test, see what they think.
If you want an exact training program for your shoulder, check out the Rubber Arm Series 6 week training program. Click here now to read all about it.
Keep working hard.
I will see you there,
PS: Forward this post to 2 friends
PSS: Read through this information, tell me what you think. click here
Tags: baseball, Beast, Rotator Cuff, Rotator cuff exercises, rubber arm series, shoulder, shoulder exercises, shoulder workouts, stretching, throw cheese, throw faster, throw gas
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