Hey Guys,
I have some great news. I finished the Throw Cheese Nutrient System: Anabolic Stage Course. It is available today to the public.
You can grab a copy here: www.pitchersthrowcheese.com/anabolicstage/
The “Anabolic stage” begins right after you finish training. It is during this time that your muscles are primed for nutrition.
When I first implemented these findings, everything changed. My recovery instantly started to quicken. My weight room lifts increased. My energy level was higher. And most importantly of all, my fastball velocity grew at a rapid pace.
Here is a study from this course:
“The critical timing of protein is best represented in a study conducted by Levenhagen and colleagues at Vanderbilt University. This study looked at the effect on protein synthesis comparing protein/carbohydrate supplementation immediately following exercise or protein/carbohydrate supplementation waiting 3 hours after exercise. He tested 10 subjects. 5 male and 5 female. Each subject was tested after 60 minutes of exercise. The subjects given a protein/carbohydrate supplement immediately following exercise experience protein synthesis 3 times greater than the subjects who waited 3 hours. The immediate group saw a considerable net protein gain. While the 3 hour delayed subjects actually saw a net protein loss.”
Here is what people are saying about the throw cheese nutrient system:
1) “Hi Zach,
Just wanted to let you know that my dad found your program last week and I’ve been using it during my workouts for the past few days. Maybe I’m not typical, but I’ve definitely got faster recovery from workouts and more energy as well. Today was upper body day. After crushing my workout and getting home from school (I’m a HS junior), I got word from my club team coach to report to the training center this evening to throw a bullpen session for the coach from Boston College. Not only did I have absolutely NO pain or fatigue, I was throwing cheese in the high 80’s at least 3-4 mph faster than usual. Could not believe it. I’m a total believer.
Thanks so much,
Matt Landers”
For more information about this course, you can read here: http://www.pitchersthrowcheese.com/anabolicstage/
If you want to quickly grab your copy, go to this special link: https://gumroad.com/l/cOuw
Let me know what you think of this course. I currently am testing out price points. The more I get emails from pitchers throwing harder, the higher I raise the price. Get yours today.
References: Levenhagen, D.K., Gresham, J.D., Carlson, M.G., et al., “Postexercise nutrient intake timing in humans is critical to recovery of leg glucose and protein homeostasis,”
American Journal of Physiology, 280:E982-E993, 2001
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