I remember some High school baseball stars that came from my town. Josh Beckett, Kyle Drabek, Paul Goldschmidt to name a few. I would watch the news and hear rumors of guys from my town (In Houston) who were throwing hard and were high school studs. Our local paper would talk about them and the scouts would come out in big numbers.
There is something very attractive about a young high school player who is going to be a star one day. Everyone likes to see him before he hits the big stage. I do too. I like to talk with my friends and “project” their future.
Everyone wants to be the guy in town destined for greatness. The ball player that is “meant for the big leagues.”
You Copy Others
So naturally what do you do? You measure yourself against those players. You look at how fast they throw, and how good they play. You try and see what they are doing. You copy their workouts and their pitching mechanics. In hope that, one small thing could make all the difference.
Listen, I understand this. I used to do it all the time. Even in college I had an internal catalog of pitching mechanics and work out routines that I thought worked the best.
Here is problem with comparing yourself to every other player out there… They are not you! You are not them!
You Are A Different Pitcher
Just a few minutes of watching others and yourself, it’s easy to see. Every pitcher in the world has different mechanics.
Lots of pitching gurus try to teach you the secrets of mechanics. Some of them show you great stuff, while others are guessing.
There is a real possibility that the “perfect” mechanics are not achievable. Especially young players. Most young pitchers do not even have the strength or flexibility to achieve powerful mechanics that output fast velocity into the baseball.
You Need Strength First
Before you start your quest towards changing mechanics (every other week like I did :/ ) Optimize your strength. Start to gain fastball functional muscle that will support your desired mechanics.
Know exactly the nutrition system you are trying to achieve.
The order of your athletic priorities matter. It is VERY difficult to change your mechanics once you start to use them. Your body is very smart in how it decides to throw. If you have weak muscles in certain areas, your body will compensate. Thus leading to poor mechanics and weak velocity.
Meanwhile you are trying to change how your body moves, and you are not even strong enough to make those desired changes. Do you see the dilemma here?
Hold on, I have good news for you, there is hope. This is where I come in.
Change Your Mindset
You need to change your mind set. First work for functional strength (along with a exact nutrient system). Then push to optimize your mechanics.
As your body support fast twitch powerful movements, your pitching mechanics adjust themselves.
It was amazing to me how people responded when I started to “light up” the radar guns (90, 91, 94, 95 mph). Nobody asked me for a secret or a workout/nutrition plan. Everyone assumed that I “developed” into a power pitcher naturally.
Here is the secret I knew….
It took hard work.
Really hard work.
Pushing my core strength. Stretching at night time. Lifting heavy leg moves.
All this led to sore muscles that needed FUEL at the right TIME.
I will repeat it… FUEL at the right TIME.
All of these factors led me to become a Power Pitcher. Not just an average arm.
I want you to become a power pitcher. And you will. With a strategy and hard work. I cannot make you work hard, but I can give you the exact strategy step by step to achieve your goals as a pitcher.
There is no better feeling then releasing the baseball with everything you got, and watching the hitter swing through it. I want this for you. It will happen. You are in the right place.
Get to work,
PS: Have your read Fastball Muscle: Your First Step To 90+ MPH click here to start training right.
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