“What does it feel like to throw 95 MPH?”
I have been asked this question. Let me tell you a story.
My junior of college we played a Tuesday game at the University of Houston. We were up 2 runs in the ninth inning. I came in to pitch. That day was nothing extraordinary. I did not eat Wheaties or go through a special stretching routine.
I did the same thing I did every game. Stretched the same, did my pregame running the same, warmed up in the bullpen the same.
What was different? The surprising answer….Nothing.
I faced 3 batters. Struck out one. Retired the side, and we shook hands with a win.
To be honest, I had no idea how hard I was throwing. I was just trying to do my best. We packed up our stuff and headed for the bus ride home. It felt good to just win, to contribute to the team.
When I arrived on the bus, I had three letters from professional teams. They were questionnaires. You filled them out so scouts could make a profile on you. One of them was the Texas Rangers. I will never forget that moment… A few minutes later my coach told me I threw 95 MPH today…
I had no idea when it happened. Nothing felt different that day. I was surprised and excited. My progress was continuing. This only meant one thing, I was doing the right things. I was training correctly. I was stretching right. I was taking advantage of Nutrient Invention, and it was all helping me throw faster….One day at a time.
This knowledge of my routine, took a long time to learn. I can look back at functional training that resulted in faster progression towards velocity on my fastball. I learned this through study and experience.
Not everyone is the same, but the foundational principals about muscle growth are the same for everyone. If you don’t know how muscles work, and how to train them. You will progress slowly.
Don’t allow that to happen. Read this eBook today. And get your journey towards success started right now.
Click Here For More Information- “Fastball Muscle: Your Frist Step Towards 90+ MPH”
Thanks for the read. I hope it changes your life.
Get to work,
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