Do You Want Powerful Pitching Legs? Try These Pitcher Workouts
Today’s topic is Pitcher Strength Workouts.
I get asked all the time.
“What workouts or exercises should I do to throw the baseball faster?”
“What workout plan did you follow?”
Today I am going to show you an awesome leg workout for pitcher velocity
Yes, there are hundreds of workouts that can help you. More importantly, there are special specific workouts that are prone to pitcher athletic development. This moves and will accelerate your functional athleticism. Ultimately, you boost your pitcher velocity in less time. Faster gains are always the goal.
Our motto here, “Train, Stretch and Feed a Power Pitchers Body”
You must pick training that promotes power pitcher growth. Your muscle’s response can be quick, and may surprise you. Nolan Ryan talks about training his body by lifting weights. And he credits lifting as one of the most powerful reasons for his success. An article here from bodybuilding.com quoted Nolan Ryan saying this about pitcher workouts…
“I discovered the weight room in Anaheim.
It hadn’t been installed for the Angels, because back then it was believed that weight training made you muscle-bound. I started slipping in there and working out, being careful not to overdo it and letting my body tell me how it was responding.
I learned how to work different areas of my body for balance and flexibility, taking a day off now and then to recover. I also discovered that even if I was somewhat stiff from lifting, it really had no effect on my ability to pitch. And after I began using the weights consistently, my arm would bounce back more quickly from one start to the next.”
Tree Trunks Legs
Guys, if you want to throw harder, build up your legs (especially your and gluts). Super strong and flexible legs are the foundation of everything you do. And as long as you maintain hamstring and hip mobility, the stronger your legs, the faster you will throw.
Plus your leg output is measurable. That means, you can track your strength and actually watch yourself get stronger. This is a HUGE benefit to guys training to throw harder. I know this may seem obvious to some, but you must track what you are lifting. How much weight, and how many reps. You can’t get a personal record if you don’t know your limits.
The Front Squat
I first learnt the proper front squat form in high school and never looked back. It’s an incredible move to build you strength in your quads, gluts and lower back. All while gaining hip mobility and core strength.
The Front Squat
You begin a front squat with the barbell on top of your chest. Your fingertips should be under the bar and your palms up. As you pick the barbell off the rack, you need to fight to keep your elbows high. If you lack wrist flexibility, work into this move slowly. Understand that wrist flexibility is easier when the bar has more weight.
When you lower into the front squat hold your breath and push your abs out. This will straighten your back. Make sure you weight is on your heels. In this image, I could have my elbows even higher. Make sure your head is up and you push your knees outward.
Learning the front squat is uncomfortable. So start off with low weight. Over time, you will gain strength and confidence. This will become a vital move for your pitching velocity success.
I am a huge believer in leg strength for velocity. You have to build leg strength with squatting. There are many variations. The front squat is just one.
Keep it simple and work hard. Remember, “Fight the weight.”
What Are You Missing?
As I progressed through college and met elite athletes, I learned a lot. Most velocity training focuses on certain areas of training. Over time I noticed “common threads” that all the top prospects had in common. I call them “velocity habits.” Their high velocity success was less of a magic bullet, and credited more to consistent workouts and activities. Over time, these consistencies created huge results.
I put there together in a free report for you reference every day. It’s called the “7 Daily Strength Training Habits For High Velocity Pitchers.” Here is a free copy click here.
Thanks for reading,
Keep working hard,
PS: Download your free report, “7 Daily Strength Training Habits For High Velocity Pitchers” Just Click here
PPS: Want a Free Bonus Video for pitcher leg strength training? Click here
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PPPPS: For some best selling amazon ebooks for pitcher workouts:
17 Core Exercises To Increase Pitcher Velocity
7 Leg Exercises To Increase Pitcher Velocity
Tags: baseball exercises, baseball strength and conditioning, baseball strength and conditioning program, baseball strength training program, baseball workouts at home, building arm strength for baseball, pitcher workouts, Pitchers, Pitching, pitching workouts, power training workouts, youth baseball strength and conditioning
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