What up guys.
Your brain is a big piece of meat doing a ton of work on the pitcher’s mound. You don’t have to be smart to be a great pitcher. Or do you?
When you are throwing, your brain is telling your body what to do (Everyone knows this).
What is really cool, is as your resistance train your muscle fibers, they are moving in the correct order so you can accomplish the task of lifting or throwing the baseball.
As you accomplish certain movements, your brain learns those movements in the correct order based on what the brain is telling your muscle fibers. This is called muscle synchronization.
Here is a quote from Fastball Muscle: Your First Step to 90+ MPH, “As more muscle fibers are recruited, synchronization of muscle fibers improve. Muscle fiber synchronization is also known as ‘neural synchronization.’ This is when your brain’s motoneurons and muscles sync together and improve your motor function. Resistance training, requires more motoneurons to activate at once. Which leads to a more efficient motor unit recruitment.”
Its sounds complicated, but as I explain in the book, your muscle fibers sync together to allow for more force on the baseball because your brain learns to activate more muscle fiber together.
This leads to more force output on the pitcher’s mound. Which means you place more force behind the fastball.
You need to EVERY muscle fiber to be firing at once when you release the baseball.
You can say it “I Want To Throw Cheese”
Lifting weights (resistance training) does more than make you bigger and stronger, it changes your brain. You could even say, “Lifting makes me brain smarter.” (Grammatical error pun intended)
Do not allow yourself to miss out on potential muscle recruitment because you are not aware of the changes happening in your brain.
Its time to pick up my book. I love hearing the honest feedback from pitchers reading my book. Check it out here.
I love you all!
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