I used to sit in my team locker room and screw around. Talk about girls, and share training advice with my buddies.
We discussed pitching mechanics, weight room lifts, stretches and which party we were going to that night.
At first I neglected most discussion regarding nutrition. I didn’t have much knowledge to contribute, so I avoided the subject. You ever been there? Of course…
A lot of great coaches do the same thing. They don’t know much about a subject, so they avoid even discussing it. So when the topic of nutrition comes up, you hear this advice…
“Just eat right, and you will be fine.”
Grrrrr… What does that even mean? I used to hear that statement, go home and eat pizza. There is lots of protein in pizza right?
I was ignorant. You don’t have to be.
The sooner you learn about the real metabolic changes happening in your body during training, the sooner you can combat them with nutrient intervention.
Here is a mantra you need to live by….
“Show me the research”
If I, Zach Calhoon, do a bad job of showing you research, and I only give you opinion, Do not listen to me!
Let’s be real, my opinion is not as valuable as research. And I have thrown 95 MPH.
Let me tell you the worst thing to tell a player or teammate…”Eat right.”
During exercise there is a lot going on, you are shocking your system. Muscle fibers are contracting at a rapid speed, and your energy systems are being used up.
Here is post workout condition summary table from the TCNS: Power Stage Course –
This table is not meant to scare you, but to educate you. In short, exercise screws up your body. So it has to respond. It starts repairs. Calls on hormones. And uses fuel to reconstruct the damage and get your butt back to normal. All this requires energy. Which you only have a limited supply.
Guess what, nutrient intervention can combat all of these metabolic responses. I explain this in detail, why you see negative effects from exercise and how to combat these negative metabolic changes in the Power Stage Course (Part 1 of 3 from the Throw Cheese Nutrient System).
I do not care if you get my course or something else. But your fastball is not going to increase as fast, unless you know this knowledge. Learn now, how to maximize your mid training nutrient intervention from research. Not opinion.
PS: Let me know what your friends say about the “Secret Sauce” [Revealed in the Power Stage Course] during your exercise.
PSS: The full Throw Cheese Nutrient System can be found here
Nieman, D.C., “Nutrition, exercise, and immune system function,” IN: Clinicals in Sports Medicine, Nutritional Aspects of Exercise. Eds. Wheeler, K.B. and Lombardo, J.A. Vol.18,1999, p537-538.
Kalliokoski, K.K., Kemppainen, J., Larmola, K., et al., “Muscle blood flow and flowheterogeneity during exercise studied with positron emission tomography in humans,” European Journal of Applied Physiology, 83:395-401, 2000.
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