Throw Cheese Nutrient System – By Zach Calhoon
An Elite Athlete Sports Nutrition
Training Course
Hi I am Zach Calhoon. A pitcher that increased my fastball from 85 MPH to 95 MPH by implementing an exact all natural nutrient intervention program based on science, supplementation, and exact nutrient dosage before, during and after exercise. And yes, lots of hard work.
Let me tell you my story. How my fastball went from 85 MPH my senior year of high school, to a 95 MPH fastball, and the exact steps it took to get there.
[Make sure you check out my special offer at the end]
Here is a picture of me in high school:
Yea, I look like a nerd. No wonder I only threw 85 mph. Anyways, moving on…
I loved high school baseball back then. We had a great team and I was a “go-to” pitcher. I did not have a great fastball (83 to 85 MPH), so I threw my breaking ball a lot. I remember making up pitches in practice. There was a point where I threw a “slurve” (A cross between a curve ball and a slider). Anything to get a hitter out, I would try it!
I had a good showing at a college tryout and got a small scholarship to a Division 1 school [The University of Texas at San Antonio]. I was excited and loved the opportunity.
The opportunity to play at an University opens the doors to any possibility. You get to train with elite athletes. You get educated towards a degree. You get to work hard at achieving your dreams. You set the stage to get drafted or start your successful career. This is what I want for you. The opportunity to change your future. Really, anything is possible.
My goal was higher than just making a Division 1 baseball team. I wanted to be the best pitcher on the staff. I wanted to win a championship.
Long story short, we had an awesome first year. My team took home the Southland Conference Championship.
I still have the championship ring from my freshmen year.
I am on the bottom. It was awesome!
After that amazing championship…
I wanted to get stronger, throw faster (90+ MPH), and get drafted after my junior year. Deep down inside, I knew I had potential to throw faster than 85 MPH.
I didn’t know how I was going to reach that potential. [Does that remind you of anyone?]
I lifted heavy in the weight room, strengthened my core, exercised my shoulder and stretched my body flexibility everyday. This work ethic (along with some light beers) led to gaining weight and getting stronger.
Early in my career, I noticed every 5 pounds I gained, would add an additional 1 MPH to my fastball. So me, using my simple (silly) logic, decided I would dedicate my training to gaining the most weight possible. I kept this mentality for a long time.
I was eating tons of calories and lifting weights with the hope that my fastball velocity would follow.
I was 6″2, 183 pounds my freshman year of college. I was not seeing the fastball MPH increases I wanted.
I continued to consume tons of foods. I gained even more weight, but I still didn’t see the my fastball velocity continue to increase.
I worked harder and gave more effort than ever before. Yet the radar gun stayed the same. I didn’t think it would ever happen to me…
My fastball hit a plateau. It was like an invisible ceiling above my head. No matter what I tried, I could not break through. I tried more long toss, changing my mechanics, shaving the hair off my right arm (seriously)…. and nothing worked.
Example of a Fastball Plateau
The summer of my sophomore year, on a baseball road-trip I was at a book store. I grabbed some books and started to study physiology and elite athlete nutrition.
I was on a bus researching my butt off. The rest of the bus was texting their girlfriends. I wanted to be the best. [This has to be you! You must want success more than anyone else. Your standards for yourself must be raised. Starting today.]
The Major Research Breakthrough…
Things changed when I discovered a new science that has been making major breakthroughs in elite athletes. Nutrient intervention was taking advantage of the most important aspect of metabolic timing in your body, the anabolic window.
Timing Is Everything
As my research advanced, I quickly learned, my nutrition plan was less about upping my protein intake and decreasing sugar, and more about when specific nutrients and supplements entered my system.
Test It Yourself
As I tested these theories, I discovered massive improvements combining timing and elite nutrition. The results came fast. The baseball started to fly out of my hand. I gained muscle faster than ever. My weight room lifts increased. I was less sore and recovered faster from training. Most of all, I was reaching my goal of 92 to 95 MPH every outing.
New Fastball Velocity Chart With Nutrient Intervention
I was progressing so quickly, I had to set new goals. The day I threw the baseball 95 MPH, I was surprised! I never thought I would throw that fast. It was an awesome feeling.
I had the thought, “No wonder major league baseball pitchers can do it for 162 games, they had all this research already.”
Then one day it clicked…”Pitchers need to hear this message. Someone out there could make it to the Major Leagues because of this research.“
So I developed the…
This nutrient system takes advantage of hormone manipulation through a new aspect of sports nutrition – Time. Minimizing muscle damage and soreness after a hard workout, increasing protein synthesis, increasing net protein gain, increasing glucose uptake, increasing amino acid transport, increasing blood flow, increasing fat oxidation, increasing glycogen storage post workout and most importantly reaching your high performance goals in less time.
By taking full advantage of the Throw Cheese Nutrient System, you can build more lean muscle, lose bad fat, and gain more power on your fastball without changing your current workout or total caloric intake.
This program will not just help you throw the baseball much faster, but it will give you timeless nutrition knowledge that you can use well beyond your baseball career. (Even though I hope you have to retire a long time from now from what you learn here!)
I will show you how apply the latest nutrition research findings to quicken the speed your body builds muscle, burns fat, and stores energy for your next workout. The number of times per week you will be able to lift hard and throw fast, will amaze you. Here are some facts…
In the past 20 years, exercise physiologist and nutritionist have heavily researched the effect of increase protein consumption on strength and muscle growth. The results of these studies were staggering. Old nutrition concepts will quickly changed and new ideas we accepted. Consuming a lot more protein, led to great results in strength athletes. This logic was to focus your nutrition efforts on protein. Unfortunately this in turn, took away attention from carbohydrates.
Have you heard this before? “Eat more protein, it’s good for you.” Of course you have.
Here is the issue, you can eat an entire buffalo, but if your muscles are not in the correct receptive state, the nutrients are wasted. Let me say it again, the nutrients are WASTED.
Consuming tons of protein, or “bulk nutrition,” has lead to a training gains that are limited. As knowledge of sports nutrition grew, many elite athletes stated to notice a “plateau phenomenon.” At a certain point in training, muscles would experience a halt in growth (also called a plateau).
Basing your nutrition on exact nutrients and time – Throw Cheese Nutrient System – is powerful confirmation that focusing on the correct nutrients at the right time in training, is far more important than just what you randomly consume daily- “I would know. It worked for me.”
Muscle goes through a 24 hour growth cycle. There is a period where the muscles produces energy (Power). There is a period of recovery (Anabolic). Then there is a period of growth (Rebuild).
For metabolic systems to function at its best during these periods, requires the appropriate amounts and types of nutrients. [Metabolic system, is a term used to describe the parts, chemicals and hormones required to grow muscles. Muscle is a major part of throwing the baseball fast….You get the picture.]
Depending on your metabolic needs (what your muscles need to grow), muscle system can be directed to replenish muscle glycogen (energy storage) and synthesize muscle proteins (the system of which new muscle cells are constructed). Both of these important muscle characteristics require different nutrients.
If you deliver the right nutrients at the right time, you greatly enhance -> muscle growth, strength and power. All things you need to throw the baseball lighting fast. Boom! I can hear the glove “popping” now.
The Throw Cheese Nutrient System is cutting edge scientific insights into exercise, metabolism, physiology and nutrition.
There are 3 primary phases in muscle development. The Power Stage, the Anabolic Stage and the Rebuild Stage. The Power Stage: During this phase, the primary objective of the muscle is to release enough energy to sufficiently propel muscle contraction. Either during training or while you are pitching. Most pitchers recognize the importance of consuming carbohydrates during training. Carbohydrates prevent the depletion of muscle glycogen (which extends your endurance) and helps maintain blood glucose levels (which delays fatigue). The Throw Cheese Nutrient System will tell you more than to just consume carbohydrates during exercise. Research shows, that when you consume carbohydrates with protein, specific amino acids and vitamins, you will experience greater gains than just consuming these nutrients separately. You will be able to spare muscle glycogen (Your back-up energy storage) and accomplish greater muscle stamina, limit the rise of the hormone cortisol (Reducing muscle damage – I touch on hormones more later VERY IMPORTANT) and help prepare enzymes for faster recovery following your workout. [Basically, your teammates will be wondering where you get all your energy to keep going and why you are growing so strong. In turn, you will quickly gain velocity on your fastball and have greater stamina on the mound. After a awhile, you will acquire nicknames like “machine” and “super-man.” That is when it gets fun. You will smile and be thanking me.] The next phase in muscle growth, the Anabolic stage… The Anabolic Stage: This phase of muscle growth is the 45 minute window following a workout. With the right combination of nutrients, this phase initiates repair of the damaged muscle protein, and replenishes muscle glycogen stores (where muscle energy is stored). Right after you finish a workout, your muscles are extremely sensitive to a hormone called insulin. Insulin is key to muscle growth. Although this muscle sensitivity is high immediately after your workout, this sensitivity declines rapidly. Within a few hours your muscle cells can become insulin resistant (NOT good). If your muscle become insulin resistant you see dramatic slows in muscle glycogen recovery, muscle repair, and creation of new muscle. Don’t let this happen. Anabolic Activity Window As you can see, this opportunity, declines quickly! You must take advantage of this “window” of time. I will show you how. As you go through the Throw Cheese Nutrient System, you will learn why the consumption of carbohydrates during this 45 minute window is so important. You will learn about driving muscle glycogen recovery, muscle tissue repair and creation of new muscle (protein synthesis). Also you will learn how protein, consumed without carbohydrates, is far less effective! And you will learn why specific antioxidants can boost muscle recovery (Vitamins C and E etc.). The Re-Build Stage: This phase begins at the end of the Anabolic Stage and continues until your next workout. During this phase the muscle enzymes (proteins that speed up chemical reactions ) help increase the number of contractile proteins (what causes the muscle to flex ) and help increase the size of the muscle fibers (why you look so jacked). These enzymes also help replenish muscle glycogen storage (muscle energy storage) used up during the Power Stage. The Rebuild stage is just as vital as the previous two stages. During this phase, you must continue to eat carbohydrates and proteins to maintain optimal muscle growth. Including the correct intervals between consumption. Protein consumed at the right time pays off with huge increases for any strength athlete. Especially pitchers looking to throw gas (By “gas” I mean really hard fastballs that make hitters look stupid). If you follow the Throw Cheese Nutrient System, you will be able to sustain a high “anabolic state”, restore muscle energy, repair the damaged muscle tissue, create new muscle, and see fastball velocity gains that will light up radar guns.
To show an example of the importance of timing your nutrition, especially protein and carbohydrates after your workout. See the graph comparison below. If you wait until 3 hours after your exercise, your gains are drastically hindered.
Nutrient consumption immediately after exercise vs 3 hours later
The above graph is one important example of many, that show the HUGE difference nutrition availability + timing have on your muscle adaptation. Glucose uptake, glycogen storage and protein synthesis are are important to your fastball velocity gains. If nutrition delay holds them back, then your fastball will be held back as well.
You must consume protein and carbohydrates after workouts and pitching sessions.
I took advantage of this research. The results…
My Junior Year Of College Baseball
I was still 6 feet 2 inches tall…Now I weighed 215 pounds and throwing the baseball 95 mph.
There is no doubt it takes hard work to be an elite baseball pitcher.
Can your hard-work result in greater gains and faster velocity on the pitchers mound? With my help, the answer is YES.
Will Transform You Into
An Elite High Performance Athlete
The Throw Cheese Nutrient System is a 3 part course that represents 3 stages of muscle growth for an elite athlete. Each day you train, you will go through a 3 part change in muscle adaptation. You will relay heavily on the knowledge you learn here in the Throw Cheese Nutrient System. Here is what you will learn in each of the 3 courses in detail…
Here is what to expect…
Throw Cheese Nutrient System: The Power Stage Course
The power stage begins 10 minutes prior to your training, and continues during your training. Here is what you learn for this important stage of muscle growth:
and most importantly….
Learn how to set up your muscles for faster recovery post workout.
This all starts 10 minutes prior to your training and during your training.
Then we will walk into the exact supplement recommendations to consider during this stage of muscle growth and why.
We will talk about the exact measurements of supplementation during the Power Stage.
The end results…
You train harder, longer and recover faster…
Throw Cheese Nutrient System: The Anabolic Stage Course
The Anabolic Stage begins immediately following your workout and continues until 120 minutes after your training. Here is the powerful time period when you can change your muscle recovery by spiking certain hormones and increasing nutrient availability. The Anabolic Stage course is full of published studies that show vital importance of nutrient intervention during this stage of muscle growth.
Here is what you learn in this course…
We also walk through the goals of anabolic stage nutrition
You will also see studies that compare different post workout susupplementation and the net result
And next…
Then we walk through the exact supplementation to consider during the Anabolic Stage of muscle growth. Including measurements based on your weight and size. So you can customize your nutrient needs.
The result…
You recover faster and gain more strength per workout. Your fastball velocity increases in LESS time.
Throw Cheese Nutrient System: The Rebuild Stage Course
After a successful application of the Anabolic Stage, the Rebuild Stage begins and continues until the next time you train the following day. This course, teaches you how to maintain the metabolic levels of activity throughout you entire day. Which leads to quicker muscle development and greater net growth from workouts.
Here is what you will learn in the Rebuild Stage…
Then, learn the exact supplementation during the Rebuild Stage to maximize muscle growth throughout your day.
This consistent gain during your recovery period leads incredible strength gains that help you have more strength on the pitchers mound.
The results…
You maximize your strength gain and recovery by supplying your system correctly during the 24 hour muscle growth cycle. Leading to faster recovery for your next hard workout.
This Knowledge Will Change Everything
These courses teach you the elite nutrition knowledge to enable you to customize your own nutrition system plan based on research and facts. Remember, this is not a diet plan. The Throw Cheese Nutrient System courses are elite-athlete nutrition training courses.
You Should Expect Results
What results should you expect from these courses? You should feel an immediate change in energy and strength. Especially the first 3 months of training. But this course is not only a quick fix, that just fades away. These adaptations you experience will cause long term positive changes. You should expect this knowledge to change your outlook on sports nutrition. Also, you should expect to see your performance output increase. Measure your current weight room lifts (1 rep max). Then measure your current fastball velocity. Prepare to watch your performance excel at a faster rate than ever before.
Also, track your energy level. Notice the extended endurance and the ability to last longer each training session. Feel how quickly you recover. Notice how many “good” days you continue to experience. With the Throw Cheese Nutrient System, you should feel more energy and see measurable results. You will last longer and train harder each day. From this day forward, your hard work will lead to tangible gains.
Get Excited!
Don’t forget to smile when you friends talk about you getting bigger and stronger.
Be The Next Success Story
To be the next great success story, you must work extremely hard. Harder than anyone on your team. With these courses, you will be able to out work, out perform and out last your competition.
With this program, you can keep you current workouts the same. You don’t have to change your pitching mechanics or learn a new drill. You dont need to try the latest stretch yoga tape or special core workout. You don’t have to change your training…
You learn scientific facts about elite athlete nutrition. Which leads to research based muscle adaptations that directly aid performance.
You will build the next great athlete.
Testimonials Matt Landers High School Junior 1) “Hi Zach, Just wanted to let you know that my dad found your program last week and I’ve been using it during my workouts for the past few days. Maybe I’m not typical, but I’ve definitely got faster recovery from workouts and more energy as well. Today was upper body day. After crushing my workout and getting home from school (I’m a HS junior), I got word from my club team coach to report to the training center this evening to throw a bullpen session for the coach from Boston College. Not only did I have absolutely NO pain or fatigue, I was throwing cheese in the high 80’s at least 3-4 mph faster than usual. Could not believe it. I’m a total believer. Thanks so much, Matt Landers”
Awesome! I love getting feedback like this. Once you start to implement this system, you will feel your progress increase very quickly. Please tell me how your doing. It is very encouraging and it keeps me inspired. If I can change the world in a small way, all this hard work will be worth it. Keep it coming! And keep working hard!
Some Common Questions:
1) How long does the program take for the best results?
The results vary for each athlete. I have received emails from baseball players you see results in the first 7 days. For other guys it takes longer. In my experience, it is realistic to test something for 1 to 2 months and measure your results. If you feel a difference, that’s great. But it’s even better to measure a difference.Write down your measurements in all your weight room lifts and your velocity on the pitchers mound. Implement the program, then measure everything again. Plus I give you a 60 money back guarantee. So if you do not love the program for any reason, no hard feelings. You can have your money back and still keep the program to use later.
2) If I started this immediately would I gain significant MPH for bullpens and strength for workouts?
I want to say yes. But it’s difficult to say the exact number of MPH you will gain. Are you working hard in the weight room and on the field, Good! That is the first step. Are you training functionally? I hope so. I want you to gain those extra MPH and throw 95+ MPH. There is one thing I know for sure about this program, it can only help you. I remembering working extremely hard and wanting faster results, this program is what took me there. The sooner you try it, the better.
3) What types of supplements do I need?
Here is a list of supplements I reference in the material:
Whey Protein, Casein Protein, Glutamine, Leucine, Dextrose, Vitamin C, Vitamin E
Remember, you do not have to use these supplements to achieve TCNS success. But they help target specific needs for your training, and they are easy to utilize. It is also very important to get a sufficient supply of all 3 macro nutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat), which I touch on specifically in the Rebuild Stage.
4) When is the best time of year to implement the program, the off season or in season?
Both off season and in season are great times to start the program. You will learn a ton about how you body recovers and responds to training. And the best steps to quicken your recovery after a long workout, or a long game. The sooner your start the program the better.
5) What age is the best age to start this program?
The earlier you understand sports nutrition, the better. Most of the time, the answer to this question is last year. You should have already started. The best way to know when to start, is as soon as you say “I want to take baseball serious…” That is when you need to start this program.
6) How do I know if I really need this program?
Some interesting stats for you to consider… There is 474,791 high school baseball players. 32,450 college baseball players. 678 NCAA students get drafted a year. The percentage of of high school students to make it to professional baseball is 00.5%. Yes, that is less than 1%. There is massive competition. And lets be real about this for one second, they are all looking to take your spot. Yes, you need to be on this elite program right now.
7) If this program is not about the money, why charge anything?
The psychology of someone who spends money is far different than someone who gets something for free. Here is what I mean. When I buy a program or a book, I read all of it. Because I want to make sure I received the full value for the price. If someone hands me a book or program for free, they just sit there…. forever. On my book shelf. I will get to them “eventually.” I want you to read these courses and then put them into practice. That is the only way you are going to truly see change at the fastest possible rate. I want you to be a stud. I want you to understand the importance of everything that I do. The first step, is to purchase. This says psychologically, “I commit.” That is the first step. Good for you!
Remember, it is free to try. You have 60 days to implement the program. If you do not love it for any reason. Just ask for you money back. No problem, no hard feelings.
“OK Zach How Much?”
After working very hard to put together these courses, I decided to offer you a deal. Make sure you read all the way to the bottom…
The current cost of the Throw Cheese Nutrient System Power Stage is discounted from
$47.00 to $19.00
The current cost of the Throw Cheese Nutrient System Anabolic Stage is discounted from
$47.00 to $19.87
The current cost of the Throw Cheese Nutrient System Rebuild Stage is discounted from
$47.00 $23.50
That is a total value of $141.00 in elite athlete nutrition courses. Today is a grand total cost of
But Wait….
If you purchase the 3 Throw Cheese Nutrient System courses together right now,
the Rebuild Stage is free.
For a grand total of only
Click Buy Now and Get Started Today
The Change You Should Feel…
When you implement these changes into your training routine, you will significantly feel a positive difference. Within days, you will have…
If you do not feel the differences right away, you can ask for your money back. I maintain my 60 day, no questions asked money back guarantee. No hard feelings.
Important Note:
This course is electronic, so you can take it with you on your favorite electronic device. Read it anywhere, and keep these truths on your mind. You will have to download the courses from a special download page. When you transaction is complete, you will be sent to that special download page. There will be further instructions on that page.
Click Buy Now and Get Started, There is NO RISK
Here’s to you becoming the elite educated athlete you always dreamed. Lets change baseball nutrition together. Let change the world.
Thank you for your support!
Zach Calhoon
-Changing pitchers lives all over the world-
PS: Imagine what it will feel like to throw gas. The glove pops and the hitters cant come close.
PSS: Imagine striking outing the last hitter of the game and yelling with excitement.
PSSS: Imagine the look on everyone’s face, when they see you throw cheese. Get started today.
If have any questions about this product, or you just want to chat, please contact me at