TCNS Anabolic Stage – By Zach Calhoon
“If there is one damn course every pitcher should take, it is Throw Cheese Anabolic Stage Course.“ -Zach Calhoon
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Nutrient intervention to increase your fastball velocity in less time. The Throw Cheese Nutrient System Anabolic Stage course, teaches the elite athlete how to optimize exact nutrients within a specific short period of time, to increase protein synthesis, increase net protein gain, increase glycogen restoration, decrease muscle damage, increase blood flow, decrease metabolic waste, gain functional fast twitch muscle weight in less time, increase fat loss, and most importantly output more fastball velocity on the pitchers mound.
The Anabolic stage course teaches the elite athlete the research studies, step by step guide for nutrient intervention to give proven results during the “anabolic window” propel the high intensity athlete to greater gains in less time.
This course is packed with high level study, made simple. With pictures, graphs and examples from Zach Calhoon’s pitching career. After you complete this course, you will never look at sports nutrition the same.
“I cannot stress enough how important this course it to your baseball career. It is the exact steps I took to boost my fastball from 85 MPH to 95 MPH.”
-Zach Calhoon
The first time I hit a training plateau, I was mad. My back squat stopped increasing each week. My daily energy dragged to a minimum and my fastball velocity halted.
It was like an invisible glass ceiling over my head. Keeping me from advancing as an elite baseball athlete.
I was at a division 1 college baseball program throwing 85 to 86 Miles per hour, with a good slider (A slider I had to throw always, due to a weak fastball).
I looked towards the future draft with unrealistic hope. “I need to throw a consistent 90 MPH, or I am screwed…”
The radar gun didn’t lie to me. It never does.
So I started to read and focus on physiology and sports nutrition. I became a passionate reader, neglecting my college studies to understand the human body. A nerd, in a good way.
The studies and evidence I discovered were amazing. Sports nutrition and average human nutrition where completely different.
I was on the bus, researching anything that could help me throw faster, and then everything changed….
This is when I discovered the “Anabolic Window.” The period of time only a few minutes after you train, when the body is in a SUPER responsive metabolic state. It is during this time window, that your body is the most receptive to nutrient intervention.
The above graph represents the potential anabolic activity based on time. 15 to 30 min after exercise as the most important timeframe to intervene with nutrient intervention.
It was as if I stumbled upon golden treasure. My missing secret to protein synthesis (muscle growth and muscle strength). My eyes were wide and excited because I had something I never had before, Data.
You will be able to measure your weight room lifts, track your mass, and most importantly watch your fastball velocity increase and increase and increase.
The path to your future success is simple >>>>
Read The Anabolic Stage course -> Implement the recommendations post workout -> Throw Faster In Less Time -> Strike Out Hitters With A Power Fastball -> Get Recruited To The Next Level
There is 36 research studies referenced in this course. These studies focus on different aspects of post workout recovery and muscle development.
Whether the focus is post workout glycogen restoration, protein synthesis, protein turnover, muscle mass, insulin sensitivity or amino acid uptake. Each study has a valuable lessons that can aid any explosive athlete.
When comparing different supplementation at different times, the results are incredibly obvious. The data gives a outlook and reason why you take every minute of your post workout nutrition very serious. Plus my added personal experience as an pitcher who saw implementing these studies result in throwing 95 MPH…
This course will begin a complete change in how pitchers look at their training and exercise nutrition.
Here is a few examples:
“Multiple studies confirm that the supplementing amino acids immediately following a workout, greatly benefits the athlete. Okamure and associates found that immediately following a workout (the Anabolic Stage) that protein synthesis increased 25% and amino acid uptake doubled when a carbohydrate/protein supplement was administered. Biolo and colleagues tested resistance training athlete’s response to post workout supplementation. They saw an amino acid uptake and protein synthesis 3-4 times greater in tested subjects supplementing immediately after exercise.
The critical timing of protein is best represented in a study conducted by Levenhagen and colleagues at Vanderbilt University. This study looked at the effect on protein synthesis comparing protein/carbohydrate supplementation immediately following exercise or protein/carbohydrate supplementation waiting 3 hours after exercise. He tested 10 subjects. 5 male and 5 female. Each subject was tested after 60 minutes of exercise. The subjects given a protein/carbohydrate supplement immediately following exercise experience protein synthesis 3 times greater than the subjects who waited 3 hours. The immediate group saw a considerable net protein gain. While the 3 hour delayed subjects actually saw a net protein loss.”
Here is a graph showing visual results from the Levenhagen study referenced above. Notice the protein balance net loss for the subjects who delayed protein intake after their workout.
“With this plateau understood, researches set out to find a better way to stimulate insulin. A very important study performed at the University of Texas demonstrated that adding protein to the carbohydrate supplement increases glycogen synthesis (The action of storing glucose to glycogen) significantly. It was found that a carbohydrate/protein combination was 38% more effective in restoring muscle glycogen than just a simple carbohydrate supplement and four times more effective than just a protein supplement.”
To Take Full Advantage of the Anabolic window, you must optimize every aspect of your nutrition within minutes of your training session.
Go ahead and write down your current fastball velocity. Pin it to your wall and write down the date.
6 months from now, you will be laughing at that number. And you will be thanking me.
I put together this course to help baseball pitchers everywhere dominate on the pitchers mound. But before you can elite level success you have to train and take advantage of the science that is helping the MLB already.
I want to see my students have the same success as MLB super stars. This very knowledge alone, will make dramatic improvements to your muscle development, power output and fastball velocity.
The feeling of throwing a baseball at 95 MPH is AMAZING! All the hard work, explosive power, flying into the baseball gives you an extreme adrenaline rush.
That feeling would have never happened if I did not aggressively implement nutrient intervention during the Anabolic Stage Of Muscle Growth.
“This is the most important course I have every created, and your future depends on it.”
-Zach Calhoon
Here is what you need to do right now:
Click the “Buy Now” button and purchase Anabolic Stage course. The electronic download instructions will be sent to your email inbox. Right now this course is only available in a electronic format.
Throw Cheese Nutrient System Lifted Me To 95 MPH
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