The 7 Strength Training Habits For High Velocity Pitchers
Get Your Free Checklist, Learn the 7 Daily Strength Training Habits Required By High Velocity Pitchers

Zach Calhoon
Hi I am Zach Calhoon, head editor of
I threw 95 MPH in college and now I am sharing everything I know. Do you really want to throw faster? Train for it. Focus on these 7 things everyday. To download the free checklist, “7 Daily Strength Training Habits For High Velocity Pitchers” Type in your email right now.
In college, I wanted to know one thing,
How to train for a 90+ MPH fastball?
I dedicated all my training, eating and sleeping to one thing… throwing fast. I read, researched and tested every theory I could. I was like you, I wanted the edge pitcher’s mound.
I traveled all over the USA and played with the greatest baseball talent in the country. Many of those players break the ranks of the MLB. All of those guys, once were small time. Now, they get to play in the biggest stadiums in the world, living the dream.
I asked a lot of questions, especially to guys who threw way faster than me (95+ MPH). After all, they had what I wanted. The ability to throw gas.
I made this discovery…
There is 7 strength training habits they all did. And they accomplished these habits everyday.
In this free pdf, I typed up my notes from all the years of training for elite fastball velocity. I summarized these strength training into 7 key habits that you are required to accomplish.
The 7 Strength Training Requirements That Grow A 95 MPH Fastball
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I can’t wait to hear about this making you strong. Become an elite power pitcher and throw faster.
Type in your email below. Get your free report, and start these training habits today.
I will see you there,
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