Post 1 – Rotator Cuff Exercises: You Need This Plan Post 2 – Rotator Cuff Exercises: Static Stretches Post 3 – Rotator Cuff Exercises: Posterior Cuff Strength Post 4 – [You Are Here] Rotator Cuff Exercises: For The Advanced – Side Plank with Oblique Twist and Weighted Ball Throws Post 5 -How To Unlock Your Shoulder With a Foam Roll Read more about the pitcher’s 6 week rotator cuff training program – The Rubber Arm Series – “In 6 Weeks Build Shoulder Health For Life” – Click Here
We have talked a lot about the rotator cuff. In the previous post about strength exercises, I relieved some of my favorite moves that kept me on top of my game.
But what about the top secret stuff that the big boys are doing to keep there arm in shape and healthy
Check out the secret to rotator cuff health! haha ok I am joking…
I am sure people really buy this shoulder rack thing… please do not.
I want you to throw gas.
The secret is, high velocity pitching takes hard work. Are you willing to do the work? Ok good.
Check out some of these advanced moves. Try them today.
Side Plank with Oblique Twist Right Arm + A Light Dumbbell (5 to 10 lbs)
Instructions: Lie to your left side on an exercise mat. Now straighten your legs and stack them. Position your left arm under your shoulder. Bend your left elbow at a 90-degree angle. Raise your upper body using the strength of your left arm. Now extend your right arm upwards with a light dumbbell and keep it straight. Then rotate your arm and body internally towards your torso. Then take the dumbbell and reach under your body. Once you are at full range of motion, work backwards on the same path until your dumbbell and torso are at your starting potion (see picture to the right).
Focus: Your focus should be on your down shoulder being stable and using your core to slowly move your body as you rotate the dumbbell.
Feeling: You should feel deep resistance in the shoulder and core. Stability in your rotator cuff will be tested here.
Key points: Move very slow and only do as many reps as you can handle with good form. Only use a light dumbbell 5 to 10 pounds.
Time or Reps: Complete 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps.
Difficulty level: 5 of 5
Side Plank with Oblique Twist Left Arm + A Light Dumbbell (5 to 10 lbs)
Instructions: Lie to your right side on an exercise mat. Now straighten your legs and stack them. Position your right arm under your shoulder. Bend your right elbow at a 90-degree angle. Raise your upper body using the strength of your right arm. Now extend your left arm upwards with a light dumbbell and keep it straight. Then rotate your arm and body internally towards your torso. Then take the dumbbell and reach under your body. Once you are at full range of motion, work backwards on the same path until your dumbbell and torso are at your starting potion (see picture to the right).
Focus: Your focus should be on your down shoulder being stable and using your core to slowly move your body as you rotate the dumbbell.
Feeling: You should feel deep resistance in the shoulder and core. Stability in your rotator cuff will be tested here.
Key points: Move very slow and only do as many reps as you can handle with good form. Only use a light dumbbell 5 to 10 pounds.
Time or Reps: Complete 3 sets of 5 to 10 reps.
Difficulty level: 5 of 5
Note: Be careful to take these moves easy. Your body may shake. But this move is great for full rotator cuff stability.
“18 Rotator Cuff Exercises For Every Day Shoulder Health” The essential 18 rotator cuff exercises, Zach did these every day. Check them out here for free. click here
External Weighted Ball Throws
Instructions: Sit on a chair or stand near a wall. Hold a small medicine ball in your hand. Use the external rotation of your shoulder to throw the ball in an external motion. Move your arm from internal rotation to external rotation by throwing the ball backwards. Use a soft weighted ball (3 to 10 lbs) for this exercise. Throw the ball against a wall or with a partner.
Focus: Firmly grip the ball and start off with slow backward throws. Release the ball at max velocity backwards with your elbow high.
Feeling: You should feel resistance in your posterior cuff.
Time or Reps: Complete 10 throws. 3 sets.
Difficulty level: 4 of 5
Note: This Moves can be done with a partner. Its so much faster when you have someone helping you. But be creative. A concrete wall is all you need to get your arm to the next level. Want an example of a soft medicine ball? click here
For The Advanced Only
These moves are for advanced athletes only. I don’t expect an average joe to be able to pick these up. You need to work your way up.
To learn more about some basic rotator cuff moves, download this free ebook –>click here
Thanks for reading,
Next Step?
Share this page with some who wants a stronger rotator cuff. It can only help!
Keep working hard.
PS: Which exercise is your favorite? Comment below!
PSS: Have you read this yet? Click below
Grab a copy of the best selling rotator cuff strength guide –> “107 Rotator Cuff Exercises to Build, Protect and Maintain a Healthy Rotator Cuff for Life” – By Zach Calhoon
Next Post: Rotator Cuff Exercises – Rubber Arm Series #5 – How To Unlock Your Shoulder With a Foam Roll – Click Here
Tags: Rotator Cuff, Rotator cuff exercises, rubber arm series
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